started: February 18th, 2004
[ results ]
Furiously Fast Fiver

Mr. Lee Arnold
in an attempt to mimic Janet Jackson, lard says he'll 'dance naked on international tv till this thing fills up!' ...well, start shaking boy  :P

other PBeM bg tourneys:
7 points | 5 points | 3 points | TwoTourney | Nackgammon | 10 points | 1pt'er | 2nd 1pt'er
Rules are: 
you gotta move in under 5 days.

Away time is still allowed, but tell your opponent and me if you can't make a move in 5 days (only tell Richard about away time as you would normally).

If you get the feeling your opponent is going over 5 days, issue the command

backgammon show [board number] -t

....and if the time shows '5 days', forward this board to me & your opponent, who then forfeits the game (and you must start the next board). 
The next time that player forfeits (in the entire tournament) it's the end of the tournament for him.

Please remember to immediately start the next game, since the clock ticks on from the last move in the last game (time doesn't stand still between games).

Rest of the rules as per usual (and remember don't resign before you agree whether it's a gammon/backgammon/single win).


try the Greeks out at tavli